South Carolina lawmakers are working on a bill to prohibit the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the state. The South Carolina Freedom of Health Care Protection Act (H3101) would prohibit state employees from participating in the health insurance marketplace, and would reimburse residents who face an IRS penalty for not complying with the ACA’s individual mandate.
Personal Insurance
The New Year is Upon Us. Make a Resolution to Review Your Insurance Coverage
Happy New Year from Tidwell Insurance Agency! The New Year is a great opportunity to conduct an annual insurance review with your Tidwell Insurance agent. You can make sure you have appropriate coverage in the wake of any changes that have occurred in your life during the past year, and we can help you make sure your coverage limits and deductibles are right for your needs. In addition, we can identify any additional discounts or savings opportunities that you may be eligible for.
What Type of Life Insurance is Right for You?
Every year the American Red Cross outlines some common-sense tips to keep everyone safe from injury, fire, drowning, sun damage, and more on Independence Day. Follow these tips to have a safe and worry-free 4th of July.
Use Extreme Caution When Deep-Frying Your Thanksgiving Turkey
Deep-fried turkeys have become increasingly popular for the Thanksgiving meal. Many people even consider them to be the “easier” way to prepare a turkey. But deep fryers also present a serious fire and burn danger for you and your home.
Holiday Travel Tips: Be Prepared and Stay Safe
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), weather-related crashes account for a significant number of fatalities during the holiday travel season. Citing preparedness as the best way to avoid problems and stay safe, NHTSA provides a checklist for safe winter driving. If you encounter dangerous weather conditions at your holiday destination this season, make sure to follow these tips:
You Can Save Money on Your Auto and Home Insurance with Policy Bundling and More
We can help you save money on your auto and home insurance with the following techniques and discounts.
Back to School Insurance Review
August is a busy, crazy month for most parents. Not only are you frantically trying to prepare your child or children for the upcoming school year, but you are also adjusting to the yearly transition. It’s important to take a little time during the back-to-school rush to keep safety in mind.
When the Waters Rise, Make Sure You’re Protected!
They say that when it rains, it pours, and with flooding, the adage is true. No more than just a few inches of water can cause major destruction to your home or business. Flood insurance is not typically covered in the standard South Carolina homeowner’s or business insurance policy. Are you aware of your risk and the options available?
Security System Discounts on Home Insurance Policies
In the current financial climate wouldn’t you welcome the opportunity to reduce your expenditure, make your home safer and add value to your property? Very few people would say NO!
What is South Carolina Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage? Do I Need It?
Uninsured motorist (UM) coverage provides coverage if you are in an accident and the other driver is both legally responsible for the accident and is not insured. It is an addition to a standard auto insurance policy that is required in some states and optional in most others.